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      DATE Hair 皇冠造型,創立於2005年,面積有80坪,19張美髮椅,5張沖水椅,員工有18位,著重於品質及教育,每年從國未引進最新的美髮技術提供給員工來提升本職學能,更能創造更好收入,客戶也得到更好的服務,也希望有志一同...

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    2. 空間沙龍

      堅持服務.品質給客人優良的感受~與連鎖店的區隔知道學習過程漫長的艱苦.積極栽培人才給你發展的舞台!!人性化教學.安排課程快數升格~每週三公休..每週日營業至晚上7:00電洽面試(02)24289709 robert

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    3. 巴比水壺玉米屋企業社


      電話:04-24752585    地址:台中市南屯區大墩路73號
    4. 如泰興業(股)公司

      ...l, service based company with an excellent and experienced team led by Mr. Robert Jerng (founder and ex-owner of Oriental Fasteners OFCO). He has over 30 years of experience in the fastener industry and helped many customers ‘think out side the box’ finding cost effective ways to help them save...

      電話:07-3525000    地址:高雄市楠梓區旗楠路885之6號1樓
    5. 歐斯科技股份有限公司

      .... In our incessant pursue for quality and reliability, we only apply up-to-date production technology; govern by our own stringent quality control system.Our forte includes,•Medical devices/components fabrication •Electrical devices/system box-building•Products design collaboration

      電話:02-22254998    地址:新北市中和區建一路146號8樓

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